How to buy
Fender Guitars
strat 57/3
strat 1954
53 blackguard Tele
57 Stratocaster
58 Blackie Strat
56 Telecaster
60 Strat
64 Strat
61 Strat
65 Tele
65 Tele Pics
62 blond Strat
61 Fiesta Strat
 1957 strat/2
tele 1975
Gibson Guitars
Gretsch Guitars
Other Guitars

                    65 Telecaster 




65 Tele blue

refin body with ORIGINAL maple cap neck, pots one original 65 one replaced with a 63, original lead pu, neck is replacement :neck was routed for bigger pu
I dont try to replace the neck pu on several of my guitars by original ones : those original neck pu dont sound very good


Price:         4000 €